Chen Weiming:
Residence: U.S.
Nationality: New Zealand
Origin: Mainland China
Languages: Chinese, English
Occupation: Sculptor, Social Advocate
Profession: Sculpture & Painting
Masterpieces: stainless steel monument in the world commemorating Massacre on June 4, 1989
Road to Freedom in Tibet
the Democracy Goddess Statute
the Bas-Relief Sculpture of Tiananmen Massacre
Burning Tibet
the brass sculpture of Edmund Hillary
Chen Weiming is a Chinese sculptor, a citizen of New Zealand and one of the founders of the Liberty Sculpture Park. In participation of the Syrian civil war, he went to fight in Syria three times. Having graduated from the Central Academy of Arts & Crafts, he now resides in U.S.
Mr. Chen’s masterpieces include but are not limited to:
the Democracy Goddess Statute (a replica of that in Tiananmen Square in 1989) which has been on display of Chinese University of Hongkong as a permanent collection;
the Bas-Relief Sculpture of Tiananmen Massacre which is amongst permanent collection of Lingnan University in Hongkong. Both pieces had been exhibited in major U.S. cities as New York, Washington D.C. and Los Angeles.
Sculptures of “Road to Freedom in Tibet” and “Burning Tibet” are on display as permanent collections in McLeod Ganj, India
the biggest monument in the world commemorating Massacre on June 4, 1989, erected in the Liberty Sculpture Park located by the Interstate Hwy 15 connecting Los Angeles and Las Vegas
Personal experiences
Social appearances:
Commemorating the Tiananmen Massacre for 30 consecutive years
Founding the largest Chinese newspaper in New Zealand (1996-2000)
Commemorating Tibetan Resistance
Advocating against the arrest of Ilham Tohti, the Uyghur scholar
Arts Exhibition of “From Beijing to Berlin Wall” -- Journey of “Tear Down the Wall”
Demanding the New Zealand government to protect the lawful rights of its citizens
Works detained by Hongkong customs
2.7.1. Follow-up: Exhibition at Times Square of Causeway Bay
Works confiscated by Hongkong police
2.8.1. Follow-up Protests ensued Support of Mr. Szeto Wah International support Works returned by police Exhibition at Victoria Park Exhibitions at various colleges in Hongkong Another exhibition in the following year marking the 22th Anniversary of June 4, 1989
Denial of entry into Hongkong
Authorities of Chinese University in Hongkong refused to allow the entry of Statute of Democracy Goddess
Mourning Mr. Szeto Wah
Performance Art of “June 4 in Central Crotch” in support of Ai Weiwei
Starting the “Sending Statute of Democracy Goddess to China”
Supporting Mr. Zhu Yufu
Received the “Reprimand Letter” from Republic of China (Taiwan)
Revocation of membership of Observation Admissions of Democracy Groups
Performance Art: The Tankman
Plan to erect the Statute of Democracy Goddess in Kinmen County, Taiwan
2.18.1. Related
Suing Ma Ying-Jeou and County government of Kinmen
Preliminary trial
Ruling of Preliminary trial
Statement from Taiwan government: A verdict by absence cannot be deemed as truth.
Dismissal of the ruling of Preliminary trial
Second Trial
Ruling of Second Trial
Calling for Obama Administration to strike Syria
Performance Art: Being an inmate with Wang Bingzhang
Naked run in protest against meeting of Xi Jinping and Obama
Supporting Liu Xia
Founding the “Human Rights Oscar Award”
Performance Art: Dance of Handcuffs & Eggs Thrown at Devils
Performance Art: Relay of Hunger Strike for the 25th Anniversary of June 4 Massacre
Founding the Platform for Chinese Democracy in Los Angeles
Exhibition of the CCP Atrocities (Journey Across USA for the Statute of Democracy Goddess)
East Coast Exhibition of CCP Atrocities of National Terrorism on the 27th Anniversary of June 4 Massacre
West, South and North Coast Exhibition of CCP Atrocities of National Terrorism on the 27th Anniversary of June 4 Massacre
Founding the Liberty Sculpture Park
Objection to the “Concert in Memory of the 80th Anniversary of the Red Army Long March”
Supporting the Anti-Violence of the Tibetans
Sculptor of Li Wangyang, the Leader of the Workers Movement in Hunan
2.32.1 Related – Sister of Li Wangyang declined in attempt to go to U.S. participating in the revealing ceremony of the sculptor of Li Wangyang
Supporting the Cubans fleeing the totalitarian regime and calling for democracy & freedom in China
Participating the “709 Lawyers’ Day”
The 1st Chinese Human Rights Lawyers Day
The 2nd Chinese Human Rights Lawyers Day
The 3rd Chinese Human Rights Lawyers Day
Remembering Liu Xiaobo
July 14, 2017
July 13, 2018
July 13, 2019
Supporting workers of Jasic Technology in Shenzhen
Shaving hair in support 709 Lawyers
Participating “Surrounding Chinese Consulate with 100 Cars”
Supporting Yuan Jianbin, fighter of civil rights
Erection of the Monument in Remembrance of June 4 Massacre
Exhibitions of Paintings of June 4 Massacre
Supporting the Anti-Extradition Bill Pro-Democracy Movement in Hongkong
Objection to CCP’s interference in the reincarnation of Dalai Lama
Three trips to Syria in participation of its civil war
First trip to Syria (October 2012 – January 2013)
Second trip to Syria (March 2013)
Third trip to Syria (March 2014 – April 2014)
Disruptions during trips
International support
Raising funds for the Liberty Army of Syria
Publishing the book of 《Mails From Syria》
3.7.1 Related – Excerpts of letters
Rumors of death in battles
Round Carving
Personal Exhibitions
Participated Exhibitions
Related websites
Personal Experiences:
1980: Accepted as one of the two students from Zhejiang Province by the Central Academy of Arts & Crafts
1982: Graduated from the Central Academy of Arts & Crafts, majored in sculpture. Member of the Chinese Association of Sculptors and Chinese Association of Gardening
09/1987: Received Certificate for Designing & Creating City Sculptures awarded by Chinese Department of City Constructions & Environmental Protections, Department of Cultures, Association of Chinese Artists and Nationwide City Sculptures Designing Committee. Employed by Hangzhou Institute of Constructions Designs and the Workshop of Hangzhou City Sculptures. During this time, in memory of the “Liberation of Hangzhou”, designed and made the Martial Arts group fountain sculptures, group sculptures of Qingtai overpass bridge and the entrance bas-relief sculpture for the Sino-Japan Friendship Hotel.
1988: Emigrated to New Zealand.
1991: Requested by the Hillary Trust to make the grand brass sculpture for Edmund Hillary, a national hero of New Zealand as the first in the country to conquer Mount Everest. The opening ceremony of the sculpture was warmly congratulated by Queen Elizabeth II, and was hosted by the Governor-General of New Zealand, the mayor and Mr. Edmund Hillary.
1991: The Auckland University of Technology in Carrington (now known as New Zealand National Institute of Technology, Unitec) adopted the achievements by Chen Weiming into its permanent textbook.
1993: Was the first Chinese artist to receive the Certificate of Māori Sculptures Arts issued by the Department of Māori Cultural Professions.
07/1996: Received the 1st Award of the Outstanding Achievements of New Zealand Chinese from Hon. Don McKinnor, New Zealand Vice Premier and the Foreign Minister.
1996: Founded 《New Papers》, a Chinese Newspaper in New Zealand.
2001: Obtained U.S. green card as “Artist with extraordinary skills”.
2001 during “9/11 Terrorist Attack”: Designed impromptu many performance art works at New York Union Square.
2002: At the invitation of China-Tibetan Friendship Society, went to Dharamshala, India to build the brass sculpture for the 14th Dalai Lama.
2003: Went to New Zealand to make brass sculpture for the trophies of beauty pageant.
2008: Made sculpture of Obama for the Los Angeles Democratic headquarter.
2008: Exhibited the Statute of Democracy Goddess at Capitol Hill in Washington, D.C.
2009: Finished “Group Sculptures of the Path to Freedom to Tibet”, for which the opening ceremony took place on March 10 in New York. It was exhibited at the National Dr. Sun Yat-Sen Memorial Hall in Taiwan. It was accepted as Permanent Collection by the Tibetan National Museum located at Dharamshala, India.
05/2009: Finished the bas-relief sculpture of “Tiananmen Massacre” that measures 6.4 meters wide and 2.3 meters tall. The same year finished a series of sculptures of President Reagan, President Gorbachev, Speaker Nancy Pelosi and Last Days of Mr. Szeto Wah. They were exhibited in September at the National Artists Club in New York, at Capitol Hill in Washington, D.C. in October, and in November at the Century Arts Gallery in Manhattan, New York at a joint exhibition that included works by Ai Weiwei, Zhang Hongtu and artists from U.S., Europe and ex-Soviet Union.
05/2010 – 06/2010: Exhibition of the Statute of Democracy Goddess and the bas-relief sculpture of “Tiananmen Massacre” in participation of the rallies in memory of Anniversary of June 4th Massacre at the Times Square in Causeway Bay and Vitoria Park. The Statute of Liberty of Goddess has been permanently placed at the Chinese University in Hongkong, and the bas-relief sculpture of “Tiananmen Massacre” at the Lingnan University.
01/2011: Finished the bas-relief sculpture of “the Last Days of Mr. Szeto Wah”.
2013: Finished the sculpture of “Burning Tibet”, which is placed at Dharamshala, India.
2012-2014: Went to Syria three times to join the humanitarian aids and the Liberty Army fighting for freedom of Syrian people.
12/2017: Started the sculpture of the “Crazy Horse – the Indian Chief” at the Liberty Sculpture Park.
2/22/19: Finished the Monument of June 4th Massacre starting the 100-Day Countdown of the 30th Anniversary of the massacre.
Early 2020: Started the grand sculpture of “Free Hongkong – Revolution of Our Time”
Social Appearances:
Commemorating “June 4th Massacre” for 30 consecutive years
Since 1990, Mr. Chen Weiming has hosted anniversaries in memory of the Massacre for 30 years.
Founding the largest Chinese newspaper (1996-2000)
In 1996, Chen Weiming together with his brother Chen Weijian founded “New Paper”. Within a few years, it became the largest Chinese newspaper in New Zealand.
Commemorating resistance in Tibet
In 2009, Chen Weiming did a massive bas-relief of “Road to Freedom of Tibet”, in memory of the 50th Anniversary of Resistance of Violence in Tibet. The sculpture denotes the grief the Tibetans have been forced to exile since 1959. The work had its opening ceremony in New York, then shipped to be exhibited in Taipei and eventually is permanently exhibited in Dharamshala, India.
In 2014, inspired by the Tibetan monks burning themselves for religious freedom, Chen finished sculpture of “The Burning Tibet” in memory of the 55th Anniversary of Resistance in Tibet. Dicki Chhoyang, the Foreign Minister of Tibetan Administration hosted the opening ceremony for the sculpture.
Advocating for the release of Ilham Tohti, former Uyghur scholar
In July 2009, Chen Weiming was among the first 158 people signing in advocate for the release of Mr. Tohti.
The art exhibit of “From Tiananmen to Berlin” (a.k.a. “Art Exhibition of Tearing Down the Wall”)
In September 2009, Chen Weiming joined the art exhibition of “From Tiananmen to Berlin” at the New York National Arts Club. Through various modern techniques, the sculpture vividly describes the tragedies caused by the international communism, especially in China. Its exhibition provokes thoughts and motivations via heavy bearing of history and criticism of reality.
Demanding the government of New Zealand to protect the legitimate rights of its citizens
In June 2010, the Hongkong government announced deportation of the New Zealand citizen to United States claiming “the detriment of interests of Hongkong”. On June 3, accompanied by members of the Los Angeles Visual Arts Association and other friends of democracy movement, Chen Weiming went to the New Zealand General Consulate in Los Angeles and submitted written documents to the officials demanding protection of his rights as a New Zealand citizen.
Sculptures detained by Hongkong customs
In May 2010, two sculptures of Chen Weiming’s: Statute of Democracy Goddess and the bas-relief Massacre of Tiananmen were shipped from US to Hongkong but detained by Hongkong customs, towards which the representative of Hongkong customs told BBC Chinese: “No comment for any individual case.”
Follow-up: Exhibition at Times Square at Causeway Bay
On May 29, 2010, two sculptures of Chen Weiming’s: Statute of Democracy Goddess and the bas-relief Massacre of Tiananmen were shipped from US to Hongkong but detained by Hongkong customs. The works were later released and taken over by Hong Kong Alliance in Support of Patriotic Democratic Movements in China and were exhibited at Times Square at Causeway Bay. However, Hongkong Food & Environmental Hygiene Dept. appropriated the works claiming the failure of being properly licensed. Thirteen people were taken away by police.
Protests ensued:
With Mr. Chen Weiming’s works being confiscated by Hongkong police, protests were triggered and lasted for days. Several civilians dressed up as the Democracy Goddess in protest of the police. The police eventually returned the works on June 3 to Hong Kong Alliance in Support of Patriotic Democratic Movements in China. The Statute of the Democracy Goddess was exhibited at the candles vigil at the Victoria Park in memory of June 4th Massacre. On June 4, the Statute was sent to the Chinese University in Hongkong. It was greeted by over 2,000 staff and students and placed on the pasture by the subway station.
In November 2011, the police dropped the allegation of “obstruction of public duties” against Hong Kong Alliance in Support of Patriotic Democratic Movements in China, but upheld the charge against Dr. Lee Yiu Ki for failure to apply for license of erecting the Statute at the Times Square. Mr. Lee was fined $2,000 with criminal record retained.
Support of Mr. Szeto Wah:
As the President of Hong Kong Alliance in Support of Patriotic Democratic Movements in China , Mr. Szeto Wah not only planned the Hongkong tour of the Statute of Democracy Goddess and the bas-relief of Tiananmen Massacre, he also fought with the Hongkong government so that the works were able to be exhibited in memory of June 4.
Battling with cancer, Mr. Szeto Wah said during the protest that the Hong Kong Alliance would not succumb to the most recent suppressions from Hongkong police.
International Support:
While the whole thing of his works being detained by Hongkong police in attempt to be exhibited at the anniversary of June 4, Mr. Chen Weiming was denied entry into Hongkong and deported back to Los Angeles. The overseas Chinese in support of Chinese democracy launched “Support Chen Weiming” outside Hongkong.
Works returned by Hongkong police:
The infuriated democracy protestors gathered together dressed up as the Democracy Goddess holding huge painting of the Goddess, and vowed to surround the police station until the works of Mr. Chen were returned. The police stated that the works were withheld legally, but eventually gave in and returned the works after negotiations.
Exhibition at the Victoria Park:
On June 3, 2010, the Government of the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region returned two statutes of Democracy Goddess, both of which were exhibited at the Victoria Park’s candle vigil hosted by Hong Kong Alliance in Support of Patriotic Democratic Movements. On June 4, the Statute was sent to the Chinese University in Hongkong. It was greeted by over 2,000 staff and students and placed on the pasture by the subway station.
Touring exhibitions at colleges in Hongkong:
After the exhibition at Victoria Park, the controversial bas-relief in memory of June 4 toured around the campuses of colleges in Hongkong. Students of the Hongkong Baptist University expressed the wish that through the exhibitions, awareness of June 4 could be woken up towards the eventual rehabilitation of it.
Following year’s exhibition of the 22nd anniversary of June 4:
Following the forced detaining of the Statute of Democracy Goddess on the eve of June 4, 2010, people in Hongkong overwhelmingly supported Hong Kong Alliance in Support of Patriotic Democratic Movements for another exhibition at the same spot. Hongkong police decided not to interfere this time. Lee Cheuk-Yan, the Chairman of the Alliance stated that the suppression of free speech by Hongkong government would not be tolerated.
Denial of entry in Hongkong:
When Hongkong police detained the two statutes loaned to Hong Kong Alliance in Support of Patriotic Democratic Movements for exhibition in May 2010, it evoked massive infuriation. Mr. Chen Weiming decided to go to Hongkong as the owner of the statutes for inspection of any possible damage, as well as to look into the reason for the detention. Mr. Chen flew to Hongkong that Monday and was detained upon arrival in.
Mr. James To, a legislative member of Hongkong, visited Mr. Chen that night. He volunteered to work as Mr. Chen’s lawyer at no charge and was set to petition for his release the next morning. During his detention at the airport, Chen Weiming refused to sign off on the documents agreeing to leave Hongkong. He kept pressing the customs officials for the reasons of his detention.
Mr. Chen recalled, “They told me that you’re being denied the entry because of your attempt to enter Hongkong. What a ridiculous reason for denial! Early next morning, they made sure to expel me by putting me on the earliest flight, before my petition could be filed at 8:30. That was how I missed the opportunity of appeal.”
During his interview with RFI, Mr. James To noted that what Hongkong Immigration Bureau did was despicable dirty game that denied Mr. Chen his due process of deportation. When RFI attempted to contact the Hongkong Immigration authorities, no response was received. Chen Weiming was put on airplane by force and landed in Los Angeles on June 2, 2010.
Statute of Democracy Goddess refused entry into the Chinese University of Hongkong
In June 2010, the Students Association submitted application to the university, requesting permission to place on campus the Statute of Liberty Goddess commemorating June 4 Massacre. The declination of the application stirred up public attention and was widely reported. Joseph Sung, the Chancellor-elect of the Chinese University described the controversy sparked by the denial of the application is the most serious political incident of the University. He admitted to the inexperience of the school authorities and promised further discussions with staff and students once he took office.
In memory of Szeto Wah:
January 2011, in memory of Szeto Wah, Chen Weiming made a bas-relief sculpture of “Uncle Wah”, which was made with fiberglass, the same material for a series of sculptures for June 4th anniversaries exhibited in Hongkong. The bas-relief of “Last Days of Szeto Wah” with width of 1 meter and height of 2 meters, has three layers of stories, with the first being Mr. Szeto sitting in a wheelchair with one hand holding microphone and the other resting on his knee, in protest with colleagues of Alliance of Hongkong Democracy; and the second layer showing the Statute of Democracy Goddess and the bas-relief sculpture of June 4th Massacre, with military cracking down on students on the left and “June 4” banner on the right; the last layer is the bell tower in Causeway Bay of Hongkong, with the bell arm pointing at 12:15, the moment Mr. Szeto Wah sat in front of the bell tower, the moment he gave his best for democracy. The inspiration of the work came from the last impression Mr. Szeto Wah left with Mr. Chen Weiming at Causeway Bay, when his works were detained by the Hongkong government.
Performance Art: June 4th Anniversary in support of Ai Weiwei
In December 2011, Chen Weiming started a trend of “Sending Statute of Democracy Goddess to China”, with the ultimate goal of dedicating the Statute of Democracy Goddess to the Chairman Mao’s Memorial Hall in Beijing. The design has Mao’s Memorial Hall as its base, with the Statute sitting above the Hall, with the Goddess standing on the top. The Memorial Hall measures at 32.7 meters high. With the Statute and its base each standing 32 meters high, the total height including the Memorial Hall, the Statute and the base adds up to be 89.64 meters. This Statute is designed to echo with the Statute of Liberty in New York, calling for democracy and freedom from both east and west. As such, the two Statutes can be “sister statutes”.
Support Mr. Zhu Yufu
In February 2012, Chen Weiming started protests against Xi Jinping’s visit to US, calling for humane treatment of civil rights and pro-democracy people in China.
Received “Reprimand Letter” from the customs of Republic of China (Taiwan):
In January 2012, in search of sponsors for the Statute of Liberty Goddess, Chen Weiming went to Taiwan on the eve of the General Election. He landed in Taiwan at 10:30 p.m. via EVA Air. Prior to his trip, Mr. Chen said that the receiving party at Taiwan had expressed concerns from pressure of the government, which did not wish the election to be affected by any promotion of the plan to build Statute of Democracy Goddess. According to the news released by the Preparatory Committee of the “Statute”, Mr. Chen was immediately recognized as a “celebrity” by the Taiwan customs official upon his Chen’s arrival. When asked how they knew him, the officials told Mr. Chen that they had seen his picture online. Mr. Chen was then ushered to the Immigration Bureau and given a “Reprimand Letter”, warning Mr. Chen if he would engage in anything other than visiting Taiwan, he would be deported. When filling out the “Entry Form”, Mr. Chen stated that the purpose of the visit was for “Press Briefing”. The officials said, “We cannot allow you to come in.” Mr. Chen responded, “I come to Taiwan for the press briefing. If that’s not allowed, then deport me.” After further negotiations, Mr. Chen changed the purpose of visit to be “Participation of Press Briefing” and was finally granted entry into Taiwan.
Revocation of his qualification of the pro-democracy group for election observation
Mr. Chen Weiming’s trip to Taiwan to promote “Send Statute of Democracy Goddess to China” met with a downturn because of the general election. He was excluded from the pro-democracy group to observe the election.
Performance Art: The Tankman
On June 3, 2012, Chen Weiming did a performance art show at the Time Square in New York. It relived the June 4 Massacre in 1989 by having actors impersonating Li Peng as the driver of a real-size T69 tank at direction of Deng Xiaoping, and Wang Weilin blocking the tank as the “Tankman”.
Plan to build Statute of Democracy Goddess on the Kinmen Islands
In January 2012, with the help of the government of Kinmen Islands and at invitation of the Foundation of Statute of Democracy Goddess, Mr. Chen Weiming signed a contract with the Department of Cultures of Kinmen Islands to build a Statute of Democracy Goddess that stands 64-meter high. The plan was ultimately aborted due to the pressure that the Kinmen Islands government received, but had drawn attention nonetheless.
Feedback from government of Taiwan: “No comment or discussion about building the Statute on Kinmen Islands.”
Fan Chiang Tai Chi, the spokesman of Taiwan government told VOA that President Ma has always been concerned about the human rights status in mainland China, as well as the June 4 Massacre. However, it’s not convenient for the government to discuss the details of building the Statute of Democracy Goddess. He also added, “The President has never shifted from pursuit of the human rights of mainland China. He has also been advocating for the June 4 Massacre. It has never changed over the years.”
Lawsuit against Ma Ying-jeou and the Kingmen Island local government:
After the stalling of the Statute of Democracy Goddess, Mr. Chen Weiming held a press conference along with his attorney on July 11, 2012.
Preliminary hearing – 7/5/2012:
Mr. Ye Ning, Esq. filed the lawsuit at the Southern District Court representing Chen Weiming and the Foundation of the Statute of Democracy Goddess against Ma Ying-jeou for $22 million, along with petition for court order of enforcement of the contract.
Preliminary hearing result – 12/13/12:
The Court Clerk Ms. Ruby Krajick from the Southern District Court of New York stated in a written verdict that due to the absence of the Defendant Ma Ying-jeou, Chen Weiming wins the lawsuit.
Statement of the Taiwan Government: Absence does not represent facts.
In December 2012, representative of the Taiwan’s liaison office in US pointed out that the verdict of the New York Court citing “absence of hearing” was not true, and the serving of the court notices was incomplete. The official noted that an attorney had been retained to represent the office and petition for continuance of hearing, which had been accepted by the court on December 20. At that hearing, “the Sovereignty Immunity” would be cited for further litigation. Due to the facts none of the representatives of the Office had attended preliminary hearing, and that the serving of court document was incomplete, the “loss of lawsuit due to absence” as claimed by some medias were not true.
Vacating of the Preliminary Verdict – 8/19/13:
Judge Naomi Reice Buchwald from the Southern District Court of New York made the verdict vacating the previous verdict on 12/13/12.
Second Hearing – 1/21/15:
The first open hearing re. Chen Weiming vs. Ma Ying-jeou was held at the Court of Appeals of the Second Circuit located at 40 Foley Square, New York, N Y 10007. It was an open hearing. Mr. Ye Ning, Esq. represented the petitioner and a team of 4 attorneys from NY and DC represented President Ma Ying-jeou. The case originated from the fact that when Ma Ying-jeou won the re-election in 2012, the governor of the Kinmen Islands signed a contract with Chen Weiming to build the Statute of the Democracy Goddess. Chen would raise funds, design and build this Statute with the June 4 Massacre as its subject. The idea was that after the Statute was completed, it would become a tourist hot spot for Kinmen Islands just like Statute of Liberty to New York. However, under pressure from the conservatives of the mainland China, Ma Ying-jeou pressured the Kinmen Island government to nullify the contract, causing huge loss of the Foundation of Statute of the Democracy Goddess and Mr. Chen personally. In order to seek remedy, Chen retained Mr. Ye Ning, Esq. and filed a lawsuit against Ma Ying-jeou in New York in the summer of 2012. The court argument was to determine if Ma Ying-jeou should become the defendant. If the court were to recognize Mr. Ma abused power and interfered the fulfillment of a contract as the President, then it would be as good as recognizing the diplomatic relationship between US and Taiwan, which would certainly stir up a rift between US and China. If the court were to otherwise find Ma in violation of law, it would be a result even less desirable to China. How should the US court and government respond to the lawsuit? Many thought it posed a treacherous challenge to the American politics, diplomacy and the independence of Justice.
Result of the Second Hearing:
The Southern District Court ruled the loss of the lawsuit by Chen Weiming due to the fact that Taiwan is a sovereignty country and does enjoy the immunity. The case went above and beyond its own merits, but posed a much more profound issue regarding Taiwan’s sovereignty.
Calling on Obama to strike Syria:
In September 2013, Chen Weiming organized a protest calling on Obama administration to strike the Assad administration.
Performance Art: “In prison with Wang Bingzhang” – 10/1/2013
On the 64th anniversary of since CCP took power in China, a performance art named “In Prison with Wang Bingzhang” took place at Hollywood’s Walk of Fame, a hot tourist spot of Greater Los Angeles. The show was to lend support all political prisoners in China. A rectangular cage made of black fences was placed in the middle of the street, and Mr. Chen Weiming would be locked up in the cage for 7 days and 7 nights. The performance was choreographed to publicize the treatment of the political prisoners in China such as Wang Bingzhang and Zhu Yufu, hoping to raise the concerns and aids from the international society as well as demanding their release.
Naked run in protest of the summit meeting between Obama and Xi – 6/7/2013
The US President Obama and the Chinese Party Secretary Xi Jinping kicked off the 2-day meeting at Sunnylands near Palm Springs in California. Chen Weiming launched a naked run of protest together with Yang Mengbi and Fang Yong outside the meeting place.
Supporting Liu Xia – December 2013
Wearing a T-Shirt with Liu Xia’s picture on it, Chen Weiming joined the rally of “Release Liu Xiaobo/End House Arrest of Liu Xia”. The rally cited the “Universal Declaration of Human Rights” for the prohibition of governments detaining any dissident, called for the end of imprisonment and persecution of all the jailed political prisoners and their families in China.
Starting the Oscar Award for Freedom & Human Rights – 2014
In 2014, the “Oscar Award for Freedom & Human Rights” was started by Chen Weiming, Mo Fengjie, Zheng Chengzhu and Cheng Qiubo to recognize people who make outstanding contribution to Chinese democracy, freedom and human rights.
Performance Art: Dance with the Chains, Eggs Thrown at Devils – 6/4/2014
Initiated by Chen Weiming, this performance art show took place in front of the Chinese General Consulate in Los Angeles, vividly restoring the famous scene of “Three Chivalries at Tiananmen” with Yu Zhijian, Yu Dongyue and Lu Decheng throwing eggs at the portrait of Mao Zedong. Chen Weiming danced the “Dance with the Chains”.
Performance Art: Relay Hunger Strikes for the 25th Anniversary of June 4 Massacre
In 2014, the overseas Chinese who lived through the democracy movement in 1989 started a relay of hunger strikes for the 25th Anniversary of the Massacre. Zheng Cunzhu and Chen Weiming had the baton for June 6 & 7 representing Los Angeles. Participants of the hunger strike called for the younger generation in China to join the call for rehabilitating June 4, if it was safe to do so.
Establishing the Platform of Chinese Democracy in Los Angeles
The Platform was built as an open hub to recruit those who share the responsibility of pursuing and fighting for democracy and rule of law in China. It also serves as center stage for the award ceremony of the annual Oscar for Freedom and Human Rights on the Walk of Fame in Hollywood.
The Platform also invited Mr. Chen Dazheng to a symposium. Mr. Chen was the general leader of the decade-long “Carduelis Rescue” from Hongkong.
Exhibition of the Atrocities by CCP (the Statute of Democracy Goddess traveling across U.S.)
On May 14, Chen Weiming started the tour from Los Angeles with the Statute of Democracy Goddess as its designer and began the tour of exhibitions among more than a dozen of cities in US, with a total mileage exceeding 10,000 miles. He arrived in Washington, D.C. on June 4, the 27th Anniversary of the June 4 Massacre. With more than 100 pictures and videos, the exhibition reveals the atrocities committed by CCP and alerted the American people of the “Red Expansion” aggressively pursued by CCP.
First stop: Los Angeles on May 14, 2016. It was an exhibition jointly sponsored by pro-democracy organizations on the west coast, such as the Platform for Chinese Democracy in Los Angeles, Chinese Democratic Party, the Wei Jingsheng Foundation, etc. More than 30 people attended the exhibition which took place in front of the Chinese Consulate in Los Angeles. Some 100 pictures showed the June 4 Massacre, forced occupation and dismantling of private properties, religious persecutions, jailed dissidents including attorneys and minorities. The pictures also included those by Ms. Lily Chan who took pictures of “Occupy Central” in Hongkong.
Second Stop: Las Vegas – 5/15/16
Third Stop: Denver (capital city of Colorado) – 5/17/16
Fourth Stop: Chicago 5/19/16
Fifth Stop: Cleveland, Ohio – 5/22/16. On the way from Chicago to Rhode Island, it was decided last minute to stop by in Cleveland. The media reported in error that it was the 6th stop.
Sixth Stop: Providence, Rhode Island – 5/24/16. This was the “5th stop” in the plan but the 6th in reality. The media reported in error that it was the 5th stop.
Seventh Stop: Cambridge and Harvard, Massachusetts – 5/25/16
Eighth Stop: The U.N. Headquarter in New York – 5/27/16
Ninth Stop: Yale University, Connecticut – 5/28/16
Tenth Stop: The Fifth Avenue in Manhattan, New York – 5/29/16
Eleventh Stop: Capitol Hill, Washington, D.C. – 6/2/16
Twelfth Stop: Time Square, New York – 6/3/16
Thirteenth Stop: Chinese Embassy in Washington, D.C. – 6/4/16
Fourteenth Stop: Freedom Square in Philadelphia – 6/5/16
Exhibition of the Atrocities by CCP and in Memory of the 28th Anniversary of June 4th Massacre
In memory of the 28 anniversary of the June 4 Massacre, a motorcade of 14 Chinese Americans set off from Las Vegas on 6/1/17 with a great deal of pictures and documents to begin the exhibition of the CCP national terrorism and the truth of the June 4 Massacre.
First stop: Las Vegas – 6/1/2017
Second Stop: Los Angeles – 6/2/2017
Third Stop: San Francisco – 6/3 /2017 (10:00-11:00 AM: Stanford University; 12:00-1:00 PM: UC Berkeley and Union Square)
Fourth Stop: Seattle – 6/4/2017
Fifth Stop: Oregon -- – 6/6/2017
Founding the Liberty Sculpture Park:
In 2016, Chen Weiming bought a lot of land in Yermo with some friends. It’s located in the Mojave Desert near Los Angeles in southern California. They decided to convert the land into the Liberty Sculpture Park.
On 12/11/17, the Park was inaugurated with its first piece of work of the sculpture of Crazy Horse, a prominent native Indian leader.
Resisting the “Concert in Celebration of the 80th Anniversary of the Red Army’s Long March”
In coordination with the Platform of Chinese Democracy, Chen Weiming joined other pro-democracy groups and human rights organizations put on a resistance of the Concert.
Supporting resistance of autocracy of the Tibetans in exile – 3/10/17
People who support human rights and freedom for Tibetans gathered around the Chinese Consulate in Los Angeles in protest of the CCP army deprived the Tibetans of their basic rights. Chen Weiming brought a replica of his sculpture of Dalai Lama, supporting the Tibetans’ calling for the CCP’s permission for him to return to Tibet, and the release of the 11th Panchen Lama who has long since disappeared.
As part of the “Tibetans’ Appreciation in 2018” to express the Tibetans’ gratitude towards all the support from the American Chinese, the Central Tibetan Administration’s office in North America along with the “TANC” held a “Cultural Reception” in the bay area of San Francisco. Chen Weiming exhibited at the Reception the half-body sculpture of Dalai Lama, and added that in order to express the reverence and gratitude of Dalai Lama, he would continue the project of making 12 half-body sculptures of Dalai Lama to be donated to Central Tibetan Administration’s offices all over the world.
Sculpture of Mr. Li Wangyang, the heroic workers leader of Hunan, China
On June 6, 2018, the unveiling ceremony of the sculpture of Li Wangyang took place at the Liberty Sculpture Park. It took three months to finish this 6-meter-high sculpture. During the phone interview at the unveiling ceremony, Chen Weiming indicated that he had profound respect and admiration for a democracy hero as Li Wangyang, especially his iron resolve of “Never look back even with guillotine waiting ahead.” “It’s because this unwavering determination that he gave his life to China’s freedom, democracy and constitutionalism. My idea for this sculpture was that it needed to show his defiance facing death with the chains on his wrists symbolizing tyranny. His powerful image stands ever so tall under the sky, and he shouldn’t feel alone. I hope all the people pursuing freedom for China can be inspired by this sculpture and realize that with one Li Wangyang fallen, tens of thousands will rise. Li Wangyang dedicated his life as the guiding star illuminating our path to democracy.”
Related: Sister of Li Wangyang was prohibited to leave China for the unveiling ceremony of her brother’s sculpture.
Li Wangling, sister of Li Wangyang was scheduled to attend the unveiling ceremony of his sculpture. She was eventually barred from leaving China and could only send her thanks via social media.
Supporting Cubans who fled from tyranny and call for freedom for China – November 2011
Chen Weiming attended the “Missile Day” in Pasadena of Los Angeles and joined the parade with the Platform for Chinese Democracy in support of the Cubans escaping from the tyranny and calling for democracy and freedom for China.
Participating the “709 Chinese Human Rights Attorneys’ Day”
The 1st “709 Chinese Human Rights Attorneys’ Day” – 7/9/2017
On the eve of the 2nd anniversary of the massive arrests of the “709 attorneys” in China that drew international attention, a dozen of human rights groups in US, Hongkong and Taiwan issued declaration setting July 9, 2015, when large scale of arrests of human rights attorneys took place in China as the “Chinese Human Rights Attorneys Day”. The declaration also planned to hold a series of activities praising the courage, wisdom and fighting spirits of the Chinese human rights attorneys.
The 2nd “709 Chinese Human Rights Attorneys’ Day” – 7/9/2018
It was organized by “LACD” to solicit support of the persecuted human rights attorneys in China and took place in front of the Chinese Consulate of Los Angeles. It was joined by various groups of The American Visual Arts Association, Hongkong Forum of Los Angeles, Chinese Social Democracy Party and the branch of Southern California of Federation for a Democratic China. They called for international concerns and attention to the jailed human rights attorneys in China, and all the illicit violations of free speech and religious belief by CCP. Participants sang the song of “The Righteous Attorneys”. Mr. Liu Shihui, a Chinese civil rights attorney who himself suffered persecutions told the stories of attorneys such as Gao Zhisheng, Wang Quanzhang and Jiang Tianyong, who have all been arrested and treated with cruel tortures.
The 3rd “709 Chinese Human Rights Attorneys’ Day” – 7/7/2019
The 3rd “709 Chinese Human Rights Attorneys’ Day” with the 2nd Chinese Human Rights Attorneys Award was held in Taipei. Tang Jingling, a human rights attorney from Hubei won the Award.
Remembering Liu Xiaobo
In November 2017, Chen Weiming completed the bas-relief sculpture of “A Lock-up Liu Xiaobo” to commemorate him. The sculpture largely shows Liu’s head portrait, flanked by a Nobel Prize medal and an empty chair, a replay of the Nobel Prize Award Ceremony when Liu Xiaobo could not personally attend due to his incarceration.
On July 14, 2017, Chen Weiming organized a memorial ceremony for Liu Xiaobo in front of Chinese Consulate in Los Angles.
On July 13, 2018, along with other pro-democracy friends, Chen Weiming attended the commemoration marking 1-year anniversary of Liu Xiaobo’s death.
On July 13, 2019, Chen Weiming joined the rally by Los Angeles Democracy Groups to remember Liu Xiaobo on the 2nd Anniversary of his passing.
Supporting the Jasic workers in Shenzhen – August 2018
Several dozens of people from various pro-democracy groups organized a rally in front of the Chinese Consulate in Los Angeles in support of the Jasic workers of Shenzhen who demanded establishment of Workers’ Union, along with the supporting student representatives.
Shaving hair in support of the “709 Lawyers” – December 2018
To support Mr. Wang Quanzhang, one of the “709 Lawyers” arrested and secretly tried by CCP, the pro-democracy groups in Los Angeles and Las Vegas spelled out Mr. Wang’s name with their bodies. The hair shaving started by the brave wives of the “709 Lawyers” in protest of the lawless government was echoed by overseas Chinese with Chen Weiming being the first. He said, “When the women can lose the beautiful hair to support their husbands, why would us men lament over some hair?”
Surrounding the Chinese Consulate with 100 cars – September 2018
Seven pro-democracy groups organized a rally of “Surrounding Chinese Consulate with 100 Cars on October 1, the Global Mourning Day”.
Monument in memory of the June 4th Massacre
With the 30th anniversary of the June 4th Massacre approaching, Chen Weiming finished the biggest June 4th Monument in the world, erected by the highway from Los Angles to Las Vegas. Mr. Chen expressed the hope for it to serve as the final resting place for all the victims of the Massacre, while other student leaders of the 1989 democracy movement regard it as their “Wailing Wall”.
Paintings Exhibition Tour in memory of June 4
In the afternoon of 5/9/2019, a special exhibition of paintings was held in front of the Capitol Hill in Washington, D.C. The paintings with a wide range of styles were done by many Chinese artists who settled down in New York after the June 4th Massacre in 1989. After 30 years of being buried in dust, the paintings were later excavated and collected by “Humanitarian China”. They would finally rest with the Liberty Sculpture Park near Los Angeles.
First stop: New York
Second stop: Boston
Third stop: Washington, D.C.
Supporting Hongkong’s “Anti Extradition Law” in fighting for democracy – 8/17/19
At 10:00 a.m., a rally of Chinese in Los Angeles led by Chen Weiming showed up in front of Chinese Consulate to condemn the CCP atrocities and support Hongkongers.
Objection to the CCP interference of the reincarnation of Dalai Lama – 12/20/2019
Thirty one overseas Chinese that are pro-democracy issued a joint statement that highlights the power bestowed upon Dalai Lama XIV by religion, and legitimacy of the reincarnation of Dalai Lama being purely religious issue to be managed by Tibetans themselves, and both are to be free of interference of Chinese government.
Three trips to Syria to participate the fight for freedom
First trip: 10/2012 – 1/2013
Being the first Chinese to join Syrians for their fight for freedom, Chen Weiming visited the local refugee camp and “Free Syria Army”.
Part I: New York – Vienna – Istanbul – border between Turkey and Syria – Syria
Part II: Syria – Istanbul (to attend the promotion of 2012 International Marathon) – Syria
Part III: Aleppo – Idlib – ancient battlefield near Strait of Hormuz
Part IV: Syria – Istanbul – U.S.
Second trip: 03/2013
Los Angeles – Istanbul – Los Angeles
Failed to enter Turkey due to the expiration of the free visa.
Third trip: 03/2014 – 04/2014
Delhi – Istanbul – border between Turkey and Syria – Aleppo – Idlib – Turkey
Disruptions during the trip:
Report from the New Tang Dynasty TV indicated that a while ago, there were CCP spies disguised as supporters of the Syrian opposition party. Shortly after their contact with the spies, the opposition party suffered deadly attacks from the Syrian government. As a result, all the Chinese had become a target of retaliation of the Syrian people who hate CCP to begin with. As such, Chen Weiming decided to temporarily stay in Turkey.
International support – 12/2012
Hundreds of pro-democracy Chinese held a press conference in Flushing, New York to support the heroic act of Chen Weiming and call on more people to join him in condemning the autocracy of CCP and its crimes.
Fundraising for the Free Syrian Army – 01/2013
In supporting the Free Syrian Army, Chen Weiming started fundraising in Los Angeles to raise funds for a supply truck to be donated to them. This truck was later destroyed in bombing.
Publishing《Letters from Syria》:
Author: Chen Weiming
First published by Boxun Publishing House in May 2015.
Rumors of death in Syria – 06/2014
It was rumored that Chen Weiming died in Syria, only to be denied in person by Chen himself.
“What I have done is trivial, but we cannot not do something because it’s small. If you never speak up because your voice is weak, then more evil will be done by the tyrannical devil. When everyone’s weak voices are joined together, it will be loud enough to be heard, just like rivers flowing into ocean! That’s what we need to do to end the autocracy!”
“Before you can be an artist, try to be a good human being first.”
“I see a lot of connections between the Syrian people’s fight for freedom and that of Chinese people. All fights against dictatorship bear the same motive. Facing dictators governments with no democracy or freedom, both Syrian and Chinese people have been suffering from social, economic and political inequality. The common pursuit of freedom and democracy tightly bonds people from different countries and backgrounds. As someone having been able to enjoy freedom, I feel the obligation to support Syrian people fighting for freedom and against the dictator government.”
“The modification of Constitution is a big blow to Chinese society and artists. Once he (Xi) becomes an emperor with check and balance of his power, he has the liberty to kill anyone he dislikes. That makes it much harder for artists to survive, in that arts in of itself is free. Artists should be able to criticize the country, even its leaders like Xi Jinping with any form of arts. With the direction things are moving to right now, Chinese artists will find themselves once again in danger of offending the ruling class with arts.”
“Totalitarianism is a common foe of human kind. I come from a totalitarian country, China. I fully understand what it feels like without freedom. That’s why I feel so motivated to join the Syrian army fighting for freedom! Especially when the Assad regime has support of Chinese government, I have the obligation to show Syrian people that not all Chinese side with their government.”
“Either Taliban or the dictator in Syria, they’re all national terrorists backed by CCP, without which they couldn’t have survived for as long as they did.” “These terrorist groups are infused with money made with Chinese people’s toil and sweat.” CCP is indeed the biggest ringleader hiding behind Taliban, who seek tremendous financial and military support through negotiations with Chinese government. When Chen Weiming went to the battlefield of Syria, he saw great amount of ammunitions CCP provides to Assad regime. Even the AK-47 automatic rifles bear Chinese writing.
Chen Weiming does not agree with the quest for rehabilitation of June 4th Massacre due to its inaccuracy. CCP does not have any justification in doing so because it’s not a government elected by people. It’s meaningless for it to make any judgement of June 4th Massacre, one way or another. “How could an executioner rehabilitate the dead? They are criminals. They don’t have any reason for rehabilitation. Only when those executioners take the trial stand would the justice be finally served.”
Other people’s comments about Chen Weiming:
Gao Ertai: Politics & Arts – Chen Weiming. It’s no incident that permanent flames become good friend with calcified waves. It makes a great honor for me to meet such a man: glorious and honest, straightforward and candid; loves what he loves with equal passion with hating what he hates. His sense of responsibility for the community and history, along with the tenacity and perseverance in pursuing his idealism makes him a rare friend to find. Although there is small room for perfection due to shortage of time, his work overall has the life of a fire and power of ocean waves. The incredible dynamic it delivers is no less than that of Käthe Kollwitz. It is a sobering therapy for those who get lost in greed and lust.
Gao Ertai: Against strong gusts of wind, Chen Weiming sowed a handful of jasmine seeds that have budded and blossomed.
Li Jie: Chen Weiming’s works remind me of Auguste Rodin, the remarkable French sculptor of 18th century. As an epic sculptor, Rodin’s works tell the history of France. “The Gate of Hell” reminds me of French Revolution. “Thinker” is a subtle depiction of the French Enlightenment. “Les Bourgeois de Calais” directly comes from the historical event in France, and the various versions of “Balzac” are multiple reflections of the iconic writer of the 18th century. There is no doubt that the French history and culture born of Rodin’s works are natural rather than purposed reflection of France. Likewise, Chen Weiming’s works are witnesses of Chinese history. The social environment for Chen Weiming is quite different from Rodin’s. While it might be spontaneous for Rodin, it is an obligation from social awareness for Chen Weiming, which is palpable from his works.
Xia Ming: In 1982, Chen Weiming graduated from the Central Academy of Crafts & Arts in Beijing. During his early years of pursuing freedom, he followed the footsteps of Franklin, who once said, “Wherever freedom rests is my home.” In order for the freedom of arts, Chen Weiming thus left China to work and live in New Zealand and U.S. Because of his origin of being Chinese, the path to freedom often times guides him back to China, just as “freedom” interpreted by Penn, “Wherever freedom is missing is my home.” As we all know, Penn was one of the US founding fathers. Right after the Independence War, he left US and went back to his motherland France to participate in the French Revolution.
Gu Cheng: Light is found in the jar that opens easily.
Yang Shuo: Crocodiles never brush teeth.
Zhang Jian: This is the “Volunteers Army” to its truth! A hero like Che Guevara! The heroic acts of Chen Weiming dust off all the disgrace the CCP inflicted upon the word “Volunteers Army” and open up the eyes of the world to the thirst and resolve of Chinese people fighting for freedom and democracy.
Liu Yaya (Club member of Toastmasters and President of Visual Artists): As an outstanding artist, Chen Weiming devotes his life to democracy. His art works delivers not only the truth of democracy but also the thoughts and wishes of all those pushing for democracy and reforms in China.
Voice of America: From China to New Zealand to United States, the sculptor Chen Weiming’s path of arts winds with the democracy cause of China. What kind of cross is he carrying? Why did he decidedly choose a path that has no return?
San Shan (Special journalist of New Paper of New Zealand): Chen Weiming is the first of many causes in our time: He’s the first Chinese going to participate in the fights in Syria. He’s the first Chinese who goes to war as a non-military guy. He’s also the first foreign artist fighting in Syria.
Xi Nuo: Composed the song “Descendants of Freedom”.
Bas-Relief Sculptures:
Road to Freedom in Tibet
Tiananmen Massacre
Liu Xiaobo Locked up in Jail
House Speaker Pelosi
Last Days of Szeto Wah
Round Carving:
Monument of June 4th Massacre (stainless steel)
Crazy Horse Chief
Tibet on Fire
Statute of Goddess of Democracy (Chinese University in Hongkong)
Statute of Goddess of Democracy (Sydney)
Statute of Dalai Lama XIV (brass)
Li Wangyang
Edmund Hillary (first man who conquered Mount Everest) (brass)
Chan Tat-Ching, the General Leader of the Yellow Bird Rescue Mission
“Road to Freedom – Selected Sculptural Works of Chen Weiming” – Press Conference held in New York on 7/5/2011
“Road to Freedom” published in 2011 by American International Publishing House
“Letters from Syria” (Chinese) published in 2015 by Boxun Publishing House
Personal Exhibitions:
The “Journey to Tear Down the Wall” exhibition held on 9/10/2009 with works included: Dalai Lama’s Prayers for the Victims; Chan Tat-Ching – General Leader of the “Yellow Bird Rescue Mission”; Calling of the June 4th; Behind the Iron Wall; Red Guards, etc.
On 6/2/2016, the Statute of Democracy Goddess was exhibited at the west wing of the Capitol Hill in Washington, D.C.
Joint Exhibitions:
9/8/2009 – 9/19/2009: Exhibition of “From Tiananmen to Berlin Wall” at New York National Arts Club (the Bas-Relief Sculpture of Tiananmen Massacre, and the Bas-Relief Sculpture of the House Speaker Nancy Pelosi)
10/1/2009: Exhibition at the Capitol Hill (the Bas-Relief Sculpture of Tiananmen Massacre, and the Bas-Relief Sculpture of the House Speaker Nancy Pelosi)
10/2012: Painting exhibition of “Supporting Syria” in Istanbul, Turkey
9/8/2019: Exhibition of “Arts and Democracy” in Los Angeles. (the Bas-Relief Sculpture of Liu Xiaobo in Jail, and the Performance Art of “Rescue the Children”)
Honors and Awards:
1991: Requested by the Hillary Trust to make the grand brass sculpture for Edmund Hillary, a national hero of New Zealand as the first in the country to conquer Mount Everest. The opening ceremony of the sculpture was warmly congratulated by Queen Elizabeth II, and was hosted by the Governor-General of New Zealand, the mayor and Mr. Edmund Hillary.
1991: The Auckland University of Technology in Carrington (now known as New Zealand National Institute of Technology, Unitec) adopted the achievements by Chen Weiming into its permanent textbook.
07/1996: Received the 1st Award of the Outstanding Achievements of New Zealand Chinese from Hon. Don McKinnor, New Zealand Vice Premier and the Foreign Minister.
07/2011: Dalai Lama wrote in the preface of 《Road to Freedom – Selected Works of Chen Weiming》: “With deep appreciation of the album of 《Road to Freedom – Selected Works of Chen Weiming》, I hope to see more inspirational works from him embodying values of freedom, democracy and human rights.”
2012: Selected amongst “One Hundred Chinese Public Intellectuals” by Boxun Publishing House
2013: Received the 2013 “Chinese-Tibetan Non-Governmental Award” by Chinese-Tibetan Non-Governmental Promotion Committee
2019: Received the “Freedom Pioneer Award” by 《Beijing Spring》
First trip to Syria (October 2012-January 2013)
Itinerary 1: New York-Vienna Transit-Istanbul-Turkish-Syrian border city-Syria Itinerary 2: Syria-Istanbul (participate in the 2012 International "Marathon" international publicity activities)-Syria Itinerary 3: Aleppo- Itlib--Battlefields of Saint Joe and Tannerini (near Holmes)
Itinerary 4: Syria-Istanbul-United States
Visited the local refugee camps and the Free Army, and was the first Chinese to go to war in Syria [229] [230] [231] .
Second trip to Syria (March 2013)
Itinerary: Los Angeles-Istanbul-Los Angeles
[232] : I was refused entry at the Turkish customs on the grounds that the visa exemption has exceeded the relevant stipulated time and I cannot enter the country [233] [234] [235] .
Third trip to Syria (March-April 2014)
Itinerary: Delhi, India-Istanbul, Turkey-Kellys on the Turkish-Syrian border-Aleppo, Syria-Idriku, Syria-Turkey [236] [237] .
Itinerary is disturbed
NTDTV reported: A while ago, the Chinese Communist Party sent special agents posing as Chinese who supported the Syrian opposition party to contact an opposition party organization. The opposition party was suddenly attacked by the Syrian government and suffered heavy losses. From then on, the Syrian people, who had hated the Chinese Communist government, regarded every Chinese with yellow skin and black eyes as a spy. Because of concerns about receiving such treatment, Chen Weiming is currently stranded in Turkey. [238]
International solidarity
In December 2012, nearly a hundred pro-democracy activists including the Goddess of Democracy Foundation and the members of the China Democracy Party National Committee held a press conference in Flushing to support Chen Weiming's righteous deeds, encourage more people to join his ranks, and condemn the CCP dictatorship in unison And its behavior [239] .
Fundraising for the Free Syrian Army
In January 2013, Chen Weiming initiated a fundraiser in Los Angeles for the Free Army, the independent organization of the Syrian people. [240] He planned to use the donations to purchase material supply vehicles [241] . Finally, the supply vehicle was donated to the Free Syrian Army, which was subsequently bombed in battle.
Related publication "Letters from Syria" [242]
Author: Chen Weiming Boxun Press
First edition in May 2015
Other related: Excerpts from the letter
One of the letters [243]
Letter 2 [244]
Letter Three [245]
Letter Four [246]
Letter Five [247]
Letter Six [248]
Letter Seven [249]
Letter Eight [250]
Rumors of death in battle
In June 2014, it was reported that Chen Weiming had died in the Syrian battlefield [251] , which was later confirmed by himself as a rumor. [252] [253]
"What I do is very meager, but we shouldn’t stop doing it because of meagerness. If everyone thinks that they are meager and do not speak up because your voice is too weak, then the crimes of authoritarianism will be even more terrifying. If we gather every weak force together, then of course the sound will be very loud, like a river, converging into a sea, then this is absolutely powerful for overthrowing autocratic rule." [254]
To be a good artist, you must first be a good person
The Syrian people's resistance to tyranny and their struggle for freedom are closely related to him and the Chinese people. The rule of the dictatorship over the people is the same. The Syrian people and the Chinese people are facing totalitarian rule, facing social, economic and political inequality, without democracy and freedom. And the pursuit of the commonality of freedom and democracy can make people from different countries and different nations behave like brothers and sisters, without the difference between you and me. Already living in a free society, I have a responsibility to support the Syrian people who have risen to fight against the dictatorship in search of freedom. [255]
The constitutional amendment has had a great impact and impact on Chinese society and the art world. Once he becomes the emperor, no one restricts him. When he is not restricted by the term of office, he can kill anyone at random. In this case, art is inherently very free. He can use his art form to criticize the entire society, or criticize the leaders of the government, and even criticize Xi Jinping. So an artist who expresses and criticizes society is a responsibility, of course it is very dangerous in China. [256]
The authoritarian regime is the common enemy of mankind. I come from the authoritarian regime of China. I know what it means to lose freedom. I joined the Free Syrian Army to fight for our common ideals and freedom! Especially when the Chinese government supports the Assad regime, I have an obligation to tell Syrians by action that not all Chinese are on the side of the government.
"Whether the Taliban or the Syrian dictator is good, they are actually CCP state terrorists behind them. Without them to support those terrorisms, their lives cannot be continued." "The CCP uses the hard-earned money of the Chinese people to support, To support and help those terrorist groups.” The CCP is actually the biggest manipulator behind the Taliban. The Taliban come to China to negotiate with the CCP in order to obtain the CCP’s economic and military support. Because he went to the Syrian battlefield and saw the weapons provided by the CCP to the Assad dictatorship. The AK-47 automatic rifles were written in simplified Chinese characters. [257]
The argument for rehabilitating June 4th is incorrect: in fact, the argument for "rehabilitation" is incorrect, because the CCP has no legal basis for its ruling, and a legitimate regime should be elected by the people, so its redress has no meaning. "How can an executioner rehabilitate the victim? They are sinners and are not qualified to rehabilitate the June Fourth Movement. Only when the executioner is sent to court is justice done." [258]
Galtai: Politics and Art-Chen Weiming's "solidified flame" and "petrified ocean wave" became friends, it is not accidental. He is open and upright and honest; his jealousy is like hatred, and his righteousness is awe-inspiring. His sense of social responsibility and historical responsibility, as well as his tenacious, tenacious and idealistic spirit in order to accomplish his mission, all made me feel honored and joyful for meeting such a kind man. Weiming’s work is a sobering agent for the frustrated people who have fallen into the drunkenness of gold. Although the technical details are somewhat rough due to time constraints, on the whole, it is boiling like a solidified flame, and the heavy grief and indignation of the petrochemical ocean wave. The power of deafness and excitement can already be compared with that of Kayskole Huizhi. --"Dong Xiang" Magazine
Galtai: Long headwind, Chen Weiming planted a handful of jasmine seeds. Now they have germinated and bloomed [259] .
Li Jie: Looking at Chen Weiming's works, it is reminiscent of Auguste Rodin, a famous French sculptor in the 19th century. In my opinion, Rodin is an epic sculptor. Rodin's works unknowingly condense the history of France. "Hell's Gate" can be reminiscent of the French Revolution, and "The Thinker" seems to be a metaphor for the French Enlightenment. As for "The Volunteers of Calais", it is directly based on historical events in France, and the Balzac statue, which is repeatedly scrutinized and even shaped, is based on the iconic writer of French 19th-century literature, Balzac. Undoubtedly, this kind of French culture and French historical implication in Rodin's works is a subconscious reflection of the sculptor, not deliberately. In contrast, some of Chen Weiming's sculptures have consciously witnessed Chinese history. Chen Weiming's creative context is completely different from Rodin's freedom back then. It was a natural thing in Rodin, but in Chen Weiming it was a responsibility that embodied the conscience of the artist. For example, the large relief sculpture "June 4th Massacre", or the imitation copper group sculpture "Tibet Freedom Road" [260] .
Xia Ming: Chen Weiming graduated from the Central Academy of Art and Design in Beijing in 1982. His early freedom road followed in Franklin's footsteps, because the latter said, "Where is freedom, where is my hometown." For creative freedom, Chen Weiming left China and basically settled and worked in New Zealand and the United States. But because he is a Chinese, his path to freedom always leads him back to his homeland. This kind of Chinese plot once again led him to Paine’s view of freedom: "Where there is no freedom, there is my hometown." We know that Paine, one of the founding fathers, went to France immediately after the victory of the American War of Independence to help the people there. The French Revolution.
Gu Cheng: An easy-to-open jar, there is light in it.
Yang Lian: Alligators never brush their teeth.
Zhang Jian: This is the real volunteer army! This is a hero like Che Guevara! Chen Weiming's bravery has swept away the dust that the Communist dictatorship has put on the term "volunteer army", and has also allowed the world to re-understand the Chinese people's desire and sacrifice for freedom and democracy. [261]
Liu Yaya (Toastmasters Club Member, President of the Visual Artists Association): Chen Weiming is an extraordinary artist. He dedicated to the democratic movement. His art illustrates the true meaning of democracy and expresses the voice of those who promote China's reform and democratization. .
VOA: From China to New Zealand and then to the United States, the trajectory of sculpture artist Chen Weiming has fluctuated with the pulse of the Chinese democratic movement. What cross does he carry? Why did you embark on a path that can only move forward without hesitation? [263]
Sanshan (New Zealand Newspaper Special Correspondent): In our time, Chen Weiming has many firsts: the first Chinese to go to Syria to volunteer in the war. The first non-military Chinese with contemporary war experience. The first foreign artist to fight in Syria.
Sino: Composing the song "Free Passage" [264]
The statue of the New Democracy Goddess created by Chen Weiming on the campus of the Chinese University of Hong Kong
Tibet Freedom Road [265] [266]
Tiananmen Massacre [267]
Liu Xiaobo in the cage (relief) [268] .
"Pelosi, President of the U.S. House of Representatives" ("Speaking of the Speaker")
"The Last Days of Mr. Situ Hua" [269]
Round carving
64 Holocaust Monument (Stainless Steel) [270] [271] [272] [273] [274] [275] [276] [277] [278] [279] [280] [281] [282] [283] [ 284] [285] [286]
Chief Crazy Horse [287] [288]
[289] Tank Man [290] [291] [292] [293] [294] [295] [296] [297] [298] [299] [300] [301] [302]
Burning Tibet [303] [304] [305] [306]
Statue of Democracy (The Chinese University of Hong Kong) [307] [308]
Statue of Democracy (Sydney) [309] [310] [311] [312]
Statue of His Holiness the 14th Dalai Lama (Bronze) [313]
Li Wangyang Edmund Hillary Edmund Hillary (the first person to climb Mount Everest) (Bronze) [314] [315]
"Chen Dazheng, Commander-in-Chief of Operation Oriole"
Writing and publishing
On July 5, 2011, held in New York, "Freedom Road-Chen Weiming Sculpture Collection" press conference. [316]
"Road To Freedom" Weiming Chen's Sculpture in Chinese, 2011, published by American International Press [317] [318] [319] [320] [321]
"Letters from Syria" Chinese, 2015, Boxun Publishing
Personal exhibition
On September 10, 2009, the "Demolition of the Wall" art exhibition was held in New York. Exhibited works: His Holiness the Dalai Lama praying for the victims, Chen Dazheng (sixth brother), the commander-in-chief of Operation Oriole, the call of June 4th, behind the iron wall: Red Guards, the iron wall defended by tanks, the goddess of democracy guides the people and was killed On June 4th, there are bullets on one side and traces on the other. Until the end of life, waiting for your apology, six pigeons and two killed the Bodhisattva in tears, behind the iron wall: rich land against bad right, grass mud horse fights river crab, China today, fairy beauty money All flattered the party [322] .
On June 2, 2016, his personal works were exhibited on the west side of the US Capitol in Washington. Statue "Goddess of Democracy".
September 8, 2009 - September 19, 2009, works exhibition New York National Arts Club (National Arts Club) Art Exhibition "from Tiananmen Square to the Berlin Wall." Exhibited works: Relief "June 4th Tiananmen Massacre", relief "Pelosi, President of the House of Representatives" (also known as the Speaker's Call). [323]
On October 1, 2009, exhibited at the US Capitol. Exhibited works: Relief "June 4th Tiananmen Massacre", relief "Pelosi, President of the House of Representatives" (also known as the Speaker's Call). [324]
In November 2009, he held a joint exhibition with Ai Weiwei and other Chinese, American and Eastern European artists at the Post-Century Art Gallery in Manhattan, New York.
In October 2012, he participated in the "Support Syria" painting exhibition in Istanbul, Turkey.
On September 8, 2019, participated in the "Art and Democracy" exhibition held in Los Angeles. Exhibited works: relief sculpture "Liu Xiaobo in the Cage", performance art "Save the Children" [325] .
In 1991, commissioned by the Hella Lei Foundation, a large bronze statue was made for the world’s first New Zealand national hero Edmund-Hila Lei to climb Mount Everest. The Governor, Mayor and Edmond- Hella Lei personally unveiled it together, and Queen Elizabeth II of the United Kingdom wrote a letter to congratulate it in person.
In 1991, the Carrington Institute of Technology in Auckland (now renamed Unitec, the National Institute of Technology in New Zealand) incorporated Chen Weiming's deeds into the permanent English textbooks of the university.
In July 1996, he won the first prize of the first New Zealand Professional Chinese Achievement Award. Judging by the Royal New Zealand Academy of Sciences, the award was awarded by New Zealand Deputy Prime Minister and Minister of Foreign Affairs Don McKinnon.
In 1996, New Zealand National Television One produced the album "Artist Chen Weiming" [326] [327] [328] [329] .
In July 2011, His Holiness the Dalai Lama made a preface to the collection of sculptures by Chen Weiming: "The Road to Freedom": I admire the album of "The Road to Freedom-Selection of Chen Weiming's Sculptures" which will be published by the sculpture artist Chen Weiming. I hope it can continue to create more works that embody freedom, democracy, and human rights. [330]
Top 100 Chinese Public Intellectuals in 2012 (Boxun Edition) [331]
In 2013, the Han-Tibet Non-governmental Exchange Promotion Association awarded the first "Promotion of Han-Tibet Non-governmental Exchange Award" in 2013 to Mr. Chen Weijian and Chen Weiming. [332]
In 2019, he won the "Beijing Spring" Annual Freedom Pioneer Award [333] [334] .
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^ 中共国家恐怖主义暴行展(第三站). 博讯新闻网. 2016年5月21日.
^ 中共国家恐怖主义暴行展(第四站、芝加哥):民主女神像深入人心. 博讯新闻网. 2016年5月22日.
^ 中共国家恐怖主义暴行展(第6站)克里夫兰亚洲传统节. 博讯新闻网. 2016年5月25日.
^ 中共国家恐怖主义暴行展(第五站)民主女神像与自由罗德岛交相辉映. 博讯新闻网. 2016年5月28日.
^ 中共国家恐怖主义暴行展第七站. 博讯新闻网. 2016年5月28日.
^ 中共国家恐怖主义暴行展(第八站):纽约联合国总部. 博讯新闻网. 2016年5月29日.
^ 中共国家恐怖主义暴行展第九站耶鲁大学. 博讯新闻网. 2017年5月29日.
^ 中共国家恐怖主义暴行展(第十站)纽约曼哈顿 收件箱. 博讯新闻网. 2016年6月1日.
^ Democracy Goddess raises her torch in Chinatown. AMNY. JUNE,9,2016.
^ 中共国家恐怖主义暴行展第十一站—纽约时代广场. 中国妇权. 2016年7月9日.
^ 中共国家恐怖主义暴行展(第12站):纽约时代广场. 博讯新闻网. 2016年6月6日.
^ 中共国家恐怖主义暴行展暨纪念六四27周年人权之旅第13站:中共大使馆前. 博讯新闻网. 2016年6月8日.
^ 中共国家恐怖主义暴行展第14站. 北京之春. 2016年6月10日.
^ 14名华人组建车队启动中共国家恐怖主义暴行和六四屠杀图片展. 自由亚洲电台. 2017年6月2日.
^ 中共国家恐怖主义暴行展2日抵洛祭六四. 大纪元. 2017年6月1日.
^ “中共国家恐怖主义暴行展暨纪念六四28周年”美西南北行首站活动. 博讯新闻网. 2017年6月3日.
^ “中共国家恐怖主义暴行展暨纪念六四28周年”美西南北行第二站活动情况. 博讯新闻网. 2017年6月3日.
^ “中共国家恐怖主义暴行展暨纪念六四28周年”美西南北行第三站:旧金山. 博讯新闻网. 2017年6月5日.
^ 中共国家恐怖主义暴行展暨六四28周年第四站西雅图纪念. 博讯新闻网. 2017年6月9日.
^ 中共国家恐怖主义暴行展暨六四28周年纪念活动花絮. 博讯新闻网. 2017年6月9日.
^ 中共国家恐怖主义暴行展暨纪念六四28周年第五站---柯瓦里. 博讯新闻网. 2017年6月9日.
^ Mojave Desert memorial stands as a tribute to the fight for freedom. THE SUN. August 28, 2019.
^ 六四30周年专题:南加州自由雕塑公园(视频). KESF64. 2019年6月4日.
^ A work of freedom. Daily Press. 2019年6月3日.
^ “坦克人”雕塑与洛杉矶“自由雕塑公园”. 法国国际广播电台. 2019-06-03.
^ 全球華人聯動抗議習“甩鍋” 洛杉磯“砌”牆積沙成塔. 美国之音. 2020-03-02.
^ 6.4坦克人雕塑在南加州自由雕塑公園落成. 自由亚洲电台. 2019-06-04.
^ 匿名亞裔贈20畝地 坦克人雕像揭幕. 世界日报. 2019-06-04.
^ 加州自由雕塑公园落成 纪念中国民主精神. 大纪元. 2017-12-13.
^ 世界最长连侬墙落地南加 传递民主自由. 新唐人电视台. 2020-02-13.
^ 自由雕塑公園 坦克人王偉林雕塑即將登場. 美洲台湾日报. 2019-06-01.
^ Standing tall: Crazy Horse statue unveiled at Liberty Sculpture Park. Daily Press. 2017年12月12日.
^ 美国华人声援澳大利亚华人抵制中国《红色娘子军》到墨尔本演出. 自由亚洲电台. 42775.
^ 抗暴58年 洛中领馆前雪山狮子旗飘扬. 新唐人电视台. 2017年3月14日.
^ 美国加州藏人感谢华人多年支持西藏而举办西藏文化招待会. 藏人行政中央官方中文网. 2018年4月17日.
^ 李旺陽雕像矗立加州雕塑公園 民主奮鬥事跡弘揚海外. RFA 自由亚洲粤语. 2018年6月7日.
^ 六四硬汉李旺阳雕塑加州落成 议员褒奖. 大纪元. 2018年6月9日.
^ 【被自殺6周年】LA公園竪李旺陽雕像 6/6忌日辦落成儀式. 苹果日报. 2018年5月27日.
^ 八九民运人士李旺阳雕像在美落成. RFI - 法国国际广播电台. 2018年6月8日.
^ 李旺阳雕像在洛杉矶落成. 自由亚洲电台. 2018年6月7日.
^ 【被自殺6年】李旺陽雕像洛杉磯落成 李旺玲欲赴美遭中方禁出境. 香港01. 2018年6月6日.
^ 美舉行李旺陽雕像揭幕典禮 李旺玲被禁出境:六年過去,沉冤待雪. 立场新闻. 2018年6月6日.
^ 洛杉矶民主平台参加帕莎蒂娜古巴导弹节游行活动. 博讯直击. 2017年11月20日.
^ 709两周年:旧金山、洛杉矶华人中领馆前集会 呼吁中共还人权律师自由. 自由亚洲电台. 2017年7月10日.
^ 洛杉磯中領館前響起《正義律師之歌》. 大纪元. 2018年7月9日.
^ 台北举行第三届中国人权律师节 唐荆陵获奖 709律师群体受关注. RFI - 法国国际广播电台. 2019年7月8日.
^ “牢笼中的刘晓波”雕塑在美国完成 雕塑家陈维明:刘晓波仍活在我们心中. 自由亚洲电台. 2017年11月25日.
^ 在美造「牢籠中的劉曉波」 雕塑家陳維明﹕「仍活在我們心中」. 明报加西版. 2017年11月28日.
^ 刘晓波逝世:洛杉矶中领馆前纪念活动,王丹、吴仁华、陈维明等讲话. 博闻. 42930.
^ 洛杉矶民主同仁追思纪念刘晓波逝世一周年. 博讯. 2017年7月14日.
^ 洛杉矶民运组织集会纪念刘晓波逝世两周年. 博讯. 2018年7月15日.
^ 海外民运在洛杉矶抗议声援深圳佳士工人. 美国之音. 2018年8月21日.
^ 美国雕塑公园圣诞聚会剃光头排人字声援王全璋(图). 北京之春. 2018年12月号.
^ 十一国殇日 全球反共大游行. 博讯新闻网. 2018年9月25日.
^ 中共迫害延伸海外 維權人士換護照被拒. 大纪元台湾. 2018年12月13日.
^ 六四纪念碑落成:陈维明、魏京生、陈立群、方政等讲话. 博讯直击. 2019年2月24日.
^ 「六四纪念碑」难竖国土 矗立洛城承载中国民主希望. 自由亚洲电台. 2019年2月25日.
^ World’s largest monument to the 1989 Tiananmen massacre unveiled ahead of 30th anniversary. HONG KONG FREE PRESS. 25TH FEBRUARY 2019.
^ 华盛顿国会山纪念六四绘画巡回展. 美国之音. 2019年5月10日.
^ 勿忘历史 “纪念六四三十周年绘画巡回展”芝加哥展出. 大纪元. 2019年5月19日.
^ 風雲可以變色六四繪畫「屹立不倒」. 自由亚洲电台. 2019年5月10日.
^ 香港动荡国际化,海外华人声援香港民主诉求. 美国之音. 43711.
^ 聲援香港示威洛杉磯17、18日連兩天遊行. 美洲台湾日报. 2019年8月16日.
^ 海外民主人士联署 反对中国政府干涉达赖喇嘛转世. 自由亚洲电台. 2020年4月29日.
^ Kiwi on Syrian frontline. nzherald.co.nz. 2 Dec, 2012.
^ Kiwi joins fight against Islamic State in Syria. stuff. Oct 25 2015.
^ Kiwi artist returns to Syria to take up arms. Newshub. 2015年7月19日.
^ 华人雕塑家陈维明声援叙利亚反对派. 美国之音. [2012年11月14日]. (原始内容存档于2012年11月14日) (中文(中国大陆)).
^ 雕塑家陈维明只身前往中东 声援民主运动. 自由亚洲电台. [2012-10-15]. (原始内容存档于2012年11月14日) (中文(中国大陆)).
^ 为的是证明中国人民与中国政府不一样——前往叙利亚参战的雕塑家陈维明. 法广新闻网. 2013年9月11日.
^ 三赴叙利亚,六四雕塑家陈维明踏上征程. 大纪元. 2014年3月7日.
^ 亲历战火 艺术家陈维明叙利亚归来(图,视频). 自由亚洲电台. 2013年1月16日.
^ VOA连线:专访华裔艺术家陈维明 谈叙利亚战区见闻. 美国之音中文网. 2014年4月15日.
^ 雕塑家陈维明三度只身赴险. 美国之音中文网. 2014年4月16日.
^ 陈维明将抵洛杉矶讲述叙利亚见闻(组图). 自由亚洲电台. 2013年1月17日.
^ NZ man safe in US from Syria. RNZ. 2014年6月11日.
^ 只身经历叙利亚战火雕塑家陈维明归来. 新唐人电视台. 2013年1月16日.
^ 对话陈维明 叙利亚归来话传奇 l 热点互动. 新唐人电视台. 2013年1月17日.
^ 华裔雕塑家陈维明谈叙利亚所见所闻. 美国之音. 2013年1月16日.
^ 陈维明启程再赴叙利亚 携捐款购车义助自由军. 自由亚洲电台. 2013年3月4日.
^ Kiwi artist barred from re-entering war zone. nzherald.co.nz. 31 Mar, 2013 .
^ 雕塑家再度远征被拒入境. 美国之音. 2013年3月6日.
^ 陈维明二赴叙利亚遇阻 经土耳其机场遣送返美. 自由亚洲电台. 2013年3月6日.
^ 民主不分国界 陈维明将三赴叙利亚. 大纪元. 2014年1月11日.
^ 三赴叙利亚 六四雕塑家陈维明踏上征程. 大纪元. 2014年3月7日.
^ 华裔雕塑家叙利亚行受中共干扰一波三折. 新唐人电视台. 2012年12月27日.
^ 聲援陳維明民運人士籲赴中東奮戰. 大纪元生活网. 2012年12月19日.
^ 雕塑师陈维明募捐晚宴 讲述参战叙利亚经历/视频. 博讯新闻网. 2013年1月17日.
^ 陈维明抵洛为叙利亚自由军募款 拟购货车协运物资(图). 自由亚洲电台. 2013年1月25日.
^ 艺术家上战场所为何来?. 美国之音中文网. 2012年10月18日.
^ 雕塑家陈维明赴叙利亚来信(之1). 北京之春. 2012年10月21日.
^ 雕塑家陈维明赴叙利亚来信(之2). 北京之春. 2012年10月28日.
^ 雕塑家陈维明赴叙利亚来信(之3). 北京之春. 2012年11月9日.
^ 陈维明从叙利亚前线发信告知:腿部受伤. 新唐人电视台. 2012年11月20日.
^ 陈维明赴叙利亚战争前线来信之(5). 新唐人电视台. 2012年12月3日.
^ 进军死亡之城阿勒颇 陈维明叙利亚来信(之6). 新唐人电视台. 2012年12月13日.
^ 置于死地而后生——陈维明叙利亚前线来信(之七). 北京之春. 2013年1月.
^ 依依不舍——雕塑家陈维明叙利亚来信之(八). 博讯新闻网. 2013年1月10日.
^ More Kiwis possibly killed in Syria conflict. Newshub. 2014年6月9日.
^ 雕塑家陈维明澄清战死叙利亚传闻. 美国之音. 2014年6月10日.
^ I didn't die in Syria: Kiwi artist. stuff. 2014年6月10日.
^ 【独家专访】民主斗士陈维明闯叙利亚 声援民主运动. 新唐人电视台. 2012年10月15日.
^ 雕塑家陈维明:做好艺术家首先要做好一个人. 大纪元. 2013年7月4日.
^ 艾未未︰專制還有更好?中國向來是個帝制國家. 自由亚洲电台. 2018年3月12日.
^ 塔利班代表團訪華被官方證實 專家解讀. 大纪元. 2019年6月22日.
^ 陳維明:平反六四說法不正確. 中国数字时代. 2012年6月26日.
^ 陈维明:用雕塑去记录和追求自由、民主的逐梦人. 博讯新闻网. 43424.
^ 陈维明,未来的中国版罗丹/李劼. 博讯新闻网. 2011年7月7日.
^ 自由不会免费:献给为自由而战的志愿军战士陈维明/张健. 博讯新闻网. 2012年12月22日.
^ 自由军队伍中一个人 默罕默德中国陈/视频. 博讯新闻网. 2013年1月20日.
^ “西藏自由之路”大型高浮雕到送抵达兰萨拉. 博讯新闻网. 2010年3月19日.
^ 纽约举办「西藏自由之路」浮雕群揭幕仪式(图). 自由亚洲电台. 2009年3月11日.
^ 「天安门屠杀」浮雕初胚抵洛 于六四烛光晚会首展(图). 自由亚洲电台. 2009年6月2日.
^ 陈维明为司徒华塑浮雕 将于洛杉矶追悼会发表(组图,视频). 自由亚洲电台. 2011年1月27日.
^ 为“六四”亡灵打造安息之所,世界最大天安门纪念碑加州落成. 美国之音. 2019年2月24.
^ 美国加州矗立纪念“六四”最大纪念碑. 法国国际广播电台. 2019-02-24.
^ 六四30周年倒计时第100天,六四纪念碑在洛杉矶落成. 自由亚洲电台. 2019-02-24.
^ 为“六四”亡灵打造安息之所,世界最大天安门纪念碑加州落成. 美国之音. 2019-02-24.
^ 捍卫历史真相“六四”纪念碑落户美国. 德国之音. 2019-02-25.
^ 勿忘64!全球最大六四纪念碑在加州落成:纪念共产主义受难者的亡灵. 风传媒. 2019-02-25.
^ 六四30週年倒數百日 紀念碑加州落成[影]. 中央通讯社. 2019-02-24.
^ 讓共產主義受難者亡靈安息 六四紀念碑加州落成(視頻). 新唐人电视台. 2019-02-25.
^ “六四”纪念碑在加州落成. 看纽约. 2019-02-28.
^ 六四30週年倒數百日 紀念碑加州落成. 中央广播电台. 2019-02-24.
^ 【六四30】離北京6400英里 高6.4米紀念碑於加州落成. 香港01. 2019-02-24.
^ 全球最大六四紀念碑 加州落成高6.4米. 东网. 2019-02-24.
^ 六四30周年倒數百日 紀念碑加州落成. 自由时报. 2019-02-24.
^ 全球最大六四紀念碑 於美國加州落成. 立场新闻. 2019-02-24.
^ 最大“六四”天安门纪念碑在加州落成(组图). 看中国. 2019-02-25.
^ 【六四30年】世界最大「六四」紀念碑加州落成. 众新闻. 2019-02-24.
^ 六四纪念碑在美加州15号公路旁落成 纪念八九民运30周年. 良知媒体. 2019-02-10.
^ 自由雕塑公园南加州奠基落成第一座雕像是印第安英雄酋长. 博讯新闻网. 2017年12月12日.
^ In The Mojave Desert, Crazy Horse Keeps Company With Tiananmen’s Tank Man. RFA. 2019年6月5日.
^ World-renown artist to unveil Crazy Horse sculpture. Daily Press. 2017年12月10日.
^ 自由雕塑公园举办纪念六四活动 揭幕坦克人雕像. 美国之音. 2019年6月5日.
^ Tank Man a statue. Daily Press. 2019年6月3日.
^ "Tank Man" statue unveiled in California on Tiananmen anniversary. kyodo news. Jun 4, 2019 .
^ 六四30週年前夕 坦克人王維林挺立美國沙漠. 联合新闻网. 2019年5月27日.
^ 纪念六四三十周年,雕塑家陈维明“坦克人”新作问世. 希望之声. 2019年6月4日.
^ 六四30周年祭 "坦克人"做大出展洛杉矶. RFI - 法国国际广播电台. 2019年6月3日.
^ 雕塑家盼亡灵安息美竖最大六四纪念碑. e南洋商报. 2019年2月26日.
^ Tiananmenin ”tankkimiehen” arvoitus on yhä ratkaisematta. HELSINGIN SANOMAT. 2019年6月4日.
^ Creating ‘Tank Man’ an exacting process. DAILY PRESS. Jun 4, 2019 .
^ With Tiananmen Square ‘Tank Man,’ Chinese sculptor will keep democracy’s flame alive in Mojave. Los Angeles Times. 2016年6月4日 (英语).
^ 六四30周年: “坦克人”雕像在美落成揭幕. 自由亚洲电台. 2016年6月4日.
^ 美国LA设天安门坦克人铜像. 朝鲜日报. 2019年6月7日.
^ Chinese Artist Presents Tibet Burning Sculpture. VOA. 2014年2月20日.
^ 陈维明创作表现藏人自焚的雕像《燃烧的西藏》完成 将送往达兰萨拉安放. Radio Free Asia. [2020-04-22] (中文(中国大陆)).
^ 华人艺术家创作雕塑纪念自焚藏人. 西藏之声. 2013-06-11 [2020-04-22] (美国英语).
^ 习近平访美吹响抗议集结号 《燃烧的西藏》雕塑将提前亮相. Radio Free Asia. [2020-04-22] (中文(中国大陆)).
^ The Tiananmen Massacre, 30 years on: The troubled history of the Goddess of Democracy. Hong Kong Free Press. May,19,2019.
^ 民主女神像与雕塑家的民主梦想. 美国之音VOA卫视. 2016年7月30日.
^ Remembering Tiananmen: Why the 'Goddess of Democracy' still stands tall in a Sydney suburb. SBSMandarin. 2017年6月9日.
^ 你知道嗎,悉尼內西區有這樣一座“民主女神”. SBS普通话. 2017年6月9日.
^ 雕塑家陈维明为澳大利亚创作的中国民主女神像将于六四在悉尼落成. 自由亚洲电台. 2015年4月3日.
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^ 追求精神自由的中国艺术家陈维明推出雕塑作品选集《自由之路》. 大纪元. 2011年12月13日.
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^ 雕塑家陈维明获《北京之春》年度自由先锋奖. 自由亚洲电台. 2019年8月12日.
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